List of Research
Research Program
GoLive Indonesia conference InterCafe-IPB
– The theme of the conference is “Driving change through research on the Indonesian Development”.
Collaboration with Department of Economics InterCafe-IPB.
– Supervisory Board of Bank Indonesia (BSBI) organized a national conference.
Collaboration with Economics Post-Graduate Program (IPB)
– Launching the desk of Adelaide University-IPB, (AHLI).
Collaboration among the three Institutions InterCafe-IPB.
– Two delegations from Rikkyo University and International University of Japan.
PT. Bjb Bank Tbk.
– Research and potential of micro credit associated with the main shop area BJB in Western Java, Banten, and Jakarta.
2013-2014, Indonesian Development Research Network Research Grant Australia Nasional University-SMERU research institute pundi Aplication
– Local milk for local schools promoting food security by linking school milk programs(LSMP), with doing industry development in Indonesia.
2014, -LPS
– Kajian Evaluasi Sistem Pemeningkatan Erly Warniy System(EWS) dan cadangan klaim penjaminan – kerjasama penelitian dengan LPS.
ACIAR and InterCafe
– Improving small famer participation in supermarket channels : perceptions of supermarket buyers kerjasama ACIAR dan InterCafe-IPB.
OJK and InterCafe
– Launching Program Magister Join Degree “Financial Crime”. Jum’at, 30 Mei 2014. kerjasama OJK, InterCafe, dan Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi IPB.
– Seminar Nasional “Pengembangan dan Pengawasan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro. Jum’at, 30 Mei 2014. kerjasama OJK, InterCafe, dan Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi IPB.
Green Prosperity Pillar Guidance in Indonesia
Mahakam Ulu – Local Government
Feasibility Study of Mahakam Ulu District Office Center
National Public Procurement Agency
Determination of Billing Rate Consulting Services
Training on Quantitative Method (Part of Financial Inclusion Study)
Collaboration with Economics Post-Graduate Program (IPB)
Grand Launching of “Tricky Treex” Econometric Software.
Collaboration with Department of Economics (IPB)
Lecture and Training in Econometric Modelling.
Gunung Bara Utama
Community Needs and Pptential Assessment (Consultancy Service for Corporate Social Responsibility) (Jasa Konsultan CSR)
Bappenas and SEADI USAID
Support to Bappenas on Financial Inclusion
Philanthropic Grand
Resource Revenue Management and International Trade in Natural Resources
Sarana Multigriya Financial
Feasibility study of Mortgage Guarantee in Indonesia
Bappepam-LK and SEADI USAID
Comparative Study on Regulation and Supervision of Non-Bank Lenders
Economic Think-Tank
Development of Economic Early Warning System for Indonesia.
PT Good Year
Preparation of PT Good Year Business Expansion Plan
Ministry of Public Housing, RI
Technical Recommendation for Mortgage Insurance Schemes in supporting Mortgage Credits in Indonesia
Collaboration With IFPRI and ILRI
Pro poor HPAI risk reduction strategies: Impact of HPAI on people’s livelihood
Quantitative analysis on the impact of HPAI on people’s livelihood.
Qualitative analysis on the impact of HPAI on people’s livelihood.
Cost Benefit analysis on HPAI control measures.
Cost effectiveness analysis on HPAI control measures.
Implementation of an Impact Assessment of HPAI Control.
Measures (Vaccination Strategies) On Livelihoods within Indonesia.
Collaboration with IFC – World Bank Group
Indonesia Microfinance Industry Mapping
Collaboration with FAO
Social Economic Study of Poultry Market Restructuring in Jakarta
University of Adelaide, Australia
Islamic Organization and Women’s Empowerment in Indonesia
Collaboration with Bank Indonesia (With LPPM IPB) BPR
Mapping For BPR Industry Stratification
Collaboration with Adelaide University
Islamic organization and women empowerment
Collaboration with Bank Indonesia
Regional persistent and unemployment in Indonesia and its alternative solutions using micro data
Ministry of Public Housing, RI
Macroeconomic Impact on the Ability Financial Institutions to Deliver Subsidized Mortgage Loan
University of Adelaide, Australia
Religious Institution, social capital and local governance: case study madrasahs in Indonesia
Gottingen University, Germany
Current issues in economic development
Bank Indonesia (commissioned research)
Analysis of Rural Banking efficiency
Bank Indonesia (commissioned research)
Credit with Non-physical Collateral for Community Banks (BPR)
Bank Indonesia (commissioned research)
Banking Intermediation: Problems and Solutions
Bank Indonesia (commissioned research)
Property Industry Sector: Development of Early Warning System
Bank Indonesia (commissioned research)
Survey on saving composition used for payment
Philanthropic Grant (PG)
Impact of Social Capital on Islamic Microfinance Repayment Rate
Philanthropic Grant (PG)
Impact of New York Stock Exchange on Indonesia Islamic Capital Market
Philanthropic Grant (PG)
Comparative Performance Analysis between Conventional and Islamic Capital Market in Indonesia
Indonesia Forum Foundation
Indonesia 2030 Vision for Banking and Non-Banking Financial Institutions
Philanthropic Grant (PG)
Liquidity Apex for Microfinance Institutions: Commercial Banks vs. Non-Banks
Philanthropic Grant (PG)
Competition in Microfinance: Large Bank vs. BPR
Philanthropic Grant (PG)
Social Finance: Empowering people through finance
Bank Mandiri (grant)
Monetary and Banking Outlook: Beyond Stabilization and Consolidation
Philanthropic Grant (PG)
All IPB Rice Summit
Bank Indonesia (commissioned research)
Perception, Preferences of Society and Financial Institutions on Cashless Payment System
Bank Indonesia (commissioned research)
Analysis of Impact Fiscal decentralization on Local Economics and Financial Sector Performance
Bank Indonesia (commissioned research)
Growth and Unemployment Paradox in Indonesia: Existences, Implications and Its Solutions
PT. Lippo Bank Tbk (commissioned research)
Study on Regional Economy: implications for deposit and credit expansion
Indonesian Economist Association
Agriculture and Development: issues and policies
Bank Indonesia
Training on Panel Data Analysis
Bank BRI (Grants)
Book review: The Micro Finance Revolution Volume 2: Lesson from Indonesia by Dr. Marguirete S. Robinson.
The Asia Foundation (Grants)
Assistance the Local Governments of Purwakarta and Cirebon to Implementing Regulatory Impact Assessment.
Ministry of Agriculture (Commissioned research)
Estimation of illegal trade in animal products
Ministry of Youth and Sport Training:
Partnership for Young Entrepreneur
Ministry of Industry
Training on Input-Output Analysis
2005-present, Adelaide University
Research and Joint Publications.
2007-present, Gottingen University
Research and Joint Publications.
2005-2006, PT. Lippo Bank Tbk.
Risk Management Training level I and II.
2007- 2010, CIFOR
Developing microfinance scheme for agro-forestry community.
2009-2010, Ministry of National Education, RI
– Global Economic Crisis and Poverty in Indonesia (Competency Grant)
– Microfinance Development: Solution for Poverty and Unemployment
– Poverty, Equality and Growth in Indonesia: Empirical Analysis and Policy Issues
2009-2011, IFAD
Effects of Bio-fuels on Agricultural Development, Food Security, Poverty and the Environment in Indonesia.